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[REBOL] Re: [VID] Strange problem

From: apwing:zonnet:nl at: 23-May-2004 14:29

Hi Carl and others, below the asterisks line follows the script ********************************************************************************************* rebol [ Title: "Flag Viewer" Author: "Arie van Wingerden" ] {write/lines %log mold country-flag} global: make object! [ ;********************************************************************** ; The URL of the webpage holding the names of the different countries ; for which a flag is present. ;********************************************************************** allflags: ;********************************************************************** ; The URL of the webpage holding an enlarged flag of a certain country. ; Each country has a specific prefix code, like xx. ; The image of the flag is URL/xx-lgflag.gif. ; The flad description can be found in URL/xx-flag.html ;********************************************************************** flagpage: ;********************************************************************** ; This field will contain (after get-flags has been called) : ; - the countryname ; - the 2 character countrycode ;********************************************************************** flags: copy "" ;********************************************************************** ; This field will be used as a pointer to the current flag ; and will be initialized to 1 ;********************************************************************** curflag: 1 ;********************************************************************** ; This field remembers the last find string in order to be able to ; carry on searching with the same string ;********************************************************************** findstr: copy "" ;********************************************************************** ; This field remembers the pointer to the country last found ;********************************************************************** findptr: 1 ] get-flags: func [ {Fetch countrynames and codes of all flags needed} /local countrycode countryname flaglist flags found ][ flags: copy [] parse read global/allflags [ thru "<option selected>Select a Country</option>" copy flaglist to "</select>" to end ] forever [ found: parse flaglist [ thru "geos/" copy countrycode to "." thru ">" copy countryname to "<" copy flaglist to end ] if not found [ break ] either find [ "ay" "gz" "oo" "pf" "pg" "we" "xo" "xq" "xx" "zh" zn ] countrycode [ {Due to error on website this code points to nowhere so we ignore this entry for the time being} ][ append flags reduce [ countryname countrycode ] ] ] ;********************************************************************** ; Sort the list by countryname ;********************************************************************** sort/skip flags 2 ;********************************************************************** ; Return the list of countrycodes and names implicitly ;********************************************************************** flags ] show-flags: func [ {Main program: show and search for flags} ][ view layout [ country-name: label current-country/name 600 black bold font-name font-sans-serif font-size 14 country-flag: image fetch-url across country-find: field 400 find-button: button "Find (next)" [ print "------------------------------------" print "Right after push Find (next) button:" print rejoin [ " global/findstr=(" global/findstr ")" ] print rejoin [ " country-find/text=(" country-find/text ")" ] either find-country country-find/text [ country-name/text: current-country/name country-flag/image: load fetch-url show country-name show country-flag msg-info/text: copy "" ][ msg-info/text: "Country could not be found!" ] show msg-info show country-find ] next-button: button "Next Country" [ next-country country-name/text: current-country/name country-flag/image: load fetch-url country-find/text: copy "" msg-info/text: copy "" show country-name show country-flag show country-find show msg-info ] return msg-info: info copy "" 600 yellow ] ] fetch-url: func [ {Construct the URL of the image} ][ return rejoin [ global/flagpage current-country/code "-lgflag.gif" ] ] current-country: func [ {returns either the countryname or the countrycode} /code /name ][ if code [ return pick global/flags (global/curflag + 1) ] if name [ return pick global/flags global/curflag ] ] find-country: func [ {Tries to find the country that the user suggests - a part of the name is OK} search-text /count /ptr /tmpflags ][ if search-text = "" [ return false ] either global/findstr <> search-text [ ptr: 1 ][ ptr: global/findptr + 2 ] if ptr > length? global/flags [ return false ] tmpflags: skip global/flags (ptr - 1) count: ptr foreach [ country code ] tmpflags [ if find country search-text [ global/curflag: count global/findptr: count global/findstr: search-text print "Right after a hit in find-country:" print rejoin [ " global/findstr=(" global/findstr ")" ] print rejoin [ " country-find/text=(" country-find/text ")" ] return true ] count: count + 2 ] return false ] next-country: func [ {adds 1 to country counter; if at tail, than revert to the first country} ][ global/curflag: global/curflag + 2 if tail? skip global/flags global/curflag [ global/curflag: 1 ] ] ;***********************************************************************;;; ; Main line starts here ;***********************************************************************;;; global/flags: get-flags show-flags