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[REBOL] Re: XML examples?

From: greggirwin:starband at: 21-Sep-2001 13:35

Jason, Here is a large message that Andrew posted not too long ago. Hopefully he won't mind my re-posting it for you. --Gregg
And here's an example of it's use (along with some eText): eText: do %/C/Rebol/Dialect/eText.r HTML: do %/C/Rebol/Dialect/HTML.r HTML/BgColor: #FFFFFC HTML/Text: #000000 HTML/Link: #CC0000 HTML/VLink: #330099 HTML/ALink: #FF3300 HTML/Background: %Jade.jpg Page: make object! [ Margin: 180 Width: 480 ] Leaf: function [File [file!]][Title Dialect][ Title: to-string copy/part File find File %.txt Dialect: eText/Dialect read File write replace File %.txt %.html HTML/Dialect compose/Deep [ Header [ Title (Title) ] Body [ Table [ Tr [ Td/Width " " (Page/Margin) Td/Width [(Dialect)] (Page/Width) Td " " ] ] ] ] ] Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169 -><- ----- Original Message ----- From: <[raven--swipnet--se]> To: <[ally-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 7:56 AM Subject: [ALLY] Re: XML and REBOL
> > Does anyone have any XML related rebol scripts to show off? > > > >I've got a WML, HTML and XHTML dialect that generates those markup > >languages > >from Rebol values. That way, I don't have to worry about ending tags, and
> >can generate HTML, etc from Rebol scripts or eText. > > > >Andrew Martin > >ICQ: 26227169 > > Can I have a look? I don't suppose you have them on your homepage - > I could not find anything related there. > > kind regards > Andreas > > ------------------------------------------------- > WebMail från Everyday > ------------------------------------------------- > > -- > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to > [ally-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes. >
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: ML.r [ Rebol [ Name: 'ML Title: "ML Dialect" File: %ML.r Author: "Andrew Martin" eMail: [Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz] Date: 3/September/2001 ] make object! [ Empty-Tag: func [Tag [tag!]][ rejoin ["" join Tag " /" newline] ] Encode: func [Value [any-type!]][ either any [ url? Value issue? Value ][ mold Value ][ join "" Value ] ] Replacements: make block! 0 Inline: func [Value [string!]][ foreach [Search Replacement] Replacements [ replace/all Value Search Replacement ] Value ] Inlines: func [Item [any-type!]][ either string? :Item [ Inline Item ][ :Item ] ] Map: function [Block [block!] Function [function!]][Mapped][ Mapped: make block! length? Block foreach Item Block [ insert/only tail Mapped Function :Item ] Mapped ] Recurse: func [Content [block! string! tag!]][ either block? Content [ join "" reduce bind Map Content :Inlines 'self ][ Content ] ] Tags: func [Tag [tag!] Content [string! tag!] /Break /Breaks][ rejoin [ either any [Break Breaks] [newline][""] Tag either Breaks [newline][""] Content either Breaks [newline][""] to-tag join "/" first parse Tag none ;either Breaks [newline][""] ] ] Dialect: func [Content [block!]][ Recurse Content ] Comment: func [Ignored [block! string! tag!]][ rejoin [<!--> mold Ignored "--"] ] Br: join mold <br/> newline P: function [Content [string! block!] /Left /Center /Right][Tag][ Tag: copy [p] if Left [append Tag [align ("left")]] if Center [append Tag [align ("center")]] if Right [append Tag [align ("right")]] Tags/Break build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] ] ] -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: HTML.r [ Rebol [ Name: 'HTML Title: "HTML Dialect" File: %"HTML.r" Author: "Andrew Martin" eMail: [Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz] Date: 11/September/2001 ] make do %ML.r insert tail [ BgColor: #FFFFFC Text: "black" Link: #CC0000 VLink: "blue" ALink: "orange" Background: none Dialect: func [Content [block!]][ Tags <html> Recurse Content ] Refresh: func [Delay [time!] File [url! file!]][ Empty-Tag build-tag [ meta http-equiv ("refresh") content ( rejoin [ mold Delay/second "; URL=" Encode File ] ) ] ] StyleSheet: func [File [file! url!]][ Empty-Tag build-tag [ link rel ("stylesheet") type ("text/css") href (Encode File) ] ] JavaScript: function [Text [file! url! string!]][Tag][ Tag: copy [script type ("text/javascript") language ("JavaScript")] either string? Text [ Tags/Break build-tag Tag rejoin [ "<!-- " newline Text newline "//-->" ] ][ append Tag [src (Encode Text)] Empty-Tag build-tag Tag ] ] Title: func [Content [string!]][ Tags <title> Content ] Header: func [Content [block!]][ Tags/breaks <head> Recurse Content ] Body: function [Content [block!] /onLoad onLoadScript [string!]][Tag][ Tag: copy [ body bgcolor (Encode BgColor) text (Encode Text) link (Encode Link) vlink (Encode VLink) alink (Encode ALink) ] if not none? Background [ append Tag [background (Encode Background)] ] if onLoad [ append Tag [onload (onLoadScript)] ] Tags/breaks build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] Td: function [Content [string! block!] /Left /Center /Right /Width N [integer! string!]][Tag][ Tag: copy [td] if Left [append Tag [align ("left")]] if Center [append Tag [align ("center")]] if Right [append Tag [align ("right")]] if Width [append Tag [width (N)]] Tags build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] Th: function [Content [string! block!] /Left /Center /Right][Tag][ Tag: copy [th] if Left [append Tag [align ("left")]] if Center [append Tag [align ("center")]] if Right [append Tag [align ("right")]] Tags build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] Tr: func [Content [string! block!]][ Tags/Breaks <tr> Recurse Content ] Table: function [ Content [string! block!] /Width W [integer! string!] /Height H [integer! string!] ][Tag][ Tag: copy [table] if Width [append Tag [width (w)]] if Height [append Tag [height (w)]] Tags/Breaks build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] Hr: <br /> Div: function [Class [string!] Content [string! block!] /Center][Tag][ Tag: copy [div class (Class)] if Center [append Tag [align ("center")]] Tags/Breaks build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] Center: func [Content [string! block!]][ Div/Center "Center" Content ] BlockQuote: func [Content [string! block!]][ Tags/Breaks <blockquote> Recurse Content ] Address: func [Content [string! block!]][ Tags/Breaks <address> Recurse Content ] IP: function [Content [string! block!] /Left /Center /Right][Tag][ Tag: copy [p class ("Initial")] if Left [append Tag [align ("left")]] if Center [append Tag [align ("center")]] if Right [append Tag [align ("right")]] Tags/Break build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] UL: func [Content [block!]][ Tags/Breaks <ul> Recurse Content ] OL: func [Content [block!]][ Tags/Breaks <ol> Recurse Content ] Image: func [Picture [file! url!] WxH [pair!] Alternative [string!]][ Empty-Tag build-tag [ img border (0) src (Encode Picture) width (WxH/x) height (WxH/y) alt (Alternative) ] ] A: function [ Reference [file! url! email! string!] Content [string! block!] /Top /Name /Blank ][ Tag ][ if email? Reference [ return MailTo Reference "" Content ] Tag: copy [a] if any [Top Blank] [ append Tag [target (either Top ["_top"]["_blank"])] ] append Tag either Name [ Reference: replace/all copy Reference " " "_" [name (Encode Reference)] ][ [href (Encode Reference)] ] Tags build-tag Tag Recurse Content ] MailTo: func [eMail [email!] Subject [string!] Content [string! block!]][ Tags build-tag [a href (rejoin ["mailto:" eMail "?subject=" Subject])] Recurse Content ] ] use [Block] [ Block: make block! 10 foreach [Word Tag] [ U: <u> B: <b> I: <i> Ins: <ins> Del: <del> Big: <big> Em: <em> Small: <small> Strong: <strong> Pre: <pre> H1: <h1> H2: <h2> H3: <h3> H4: <h4> H5: <h5> H6: <h6> Tt: <tt> Q: <q> Dt: <dt> Dd: <dd> Dl: <dl> NoBreak: <nobr> Li: <li> ][ append Block compose/deep [ (:Word) func [Content [string! block!]][ Tags (Tag) Recurse Content ] ] ] Block ] ] -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: eText.r [ Rebol [ Name: 'eText Title: "eText" File: %eText.r Author: "Andrew Martin" eMail: [Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz] Date: 13/September/2001 ] make object! [ Space: charset [#" " #"^-"] Br: Empty: [any Space newline] Graphic: charset [#"^(21)" - #"^(7E)"] Printable: charset [#"^(20)" - #"^(7E)"] URI: do %URI.r Inline!: make object! [ Text: Block: Before: After: none Plain: function [Value [block! string! tag! none!]][String][ String: copy/part Before After if not empty? String [ append Block String ] if not none? Value [ repend Block Value ] ] Pair: function [Mark [char!] HtmlDialect [block!]][NonMark][ NonMark: exclude Graphic charset to string! Mark compose/deep [ After: (Mark) copy Text [some (NonMark) any [some #" " some (NonMark)]] (Mark) (to-paren reduce ['Plain HtmlDialect]) Before: ] ] Link: make object! [ LinkRef: URI/Link Word: compose/deep [(URI/Alpha) some [(URI/Alphanumeric) | #"-"] opt {'s}] Files: Text: Link: none Rule: [ [ After: [ {"} copy Text to {" } {" } | copy Text Word ] copy Link LinkRef ( Plain ['A first load/next Link Text] ) Before: ] | [ After: [ {?"} copy Link to {"} skip | "?" copy Link Word ]( Text: replace/all copy Link " " "&nbsp;" if none? Files [Files: read %.] if found? find Files to-file join Link #"/" [ append Link #"/" ] Link: rejoin [ to-file replace/all Link " " " " either #"/" = last Link [%Index.html][%.html] ] Plain ['A Link Text] ) Before: ] ] ] Single: func [Mark [string! char!] Replacement [string!]][ compose [After: (Mark) (to-paren compose [Plain (Replacement)]) Before:] ] Rules: compose [ (Link/Rule) | (Pair #"_" ['U Text]) | (Pair #"~" ['I Text]) ;| (Pair #"+" ['Ins Text]) ;| (Pair #"-" ['Del Text]) ; Need a better choice for 'Del, not hyphen. | (Pair #"*" ['B Text]) | (Single newline "<br/>") | (Single {---} "&mdash;") | (Single {--} "&ndash;") | (Single {&} "&amp;") | (Single {<} "<") | (Single {>} ">") | (Single {(c)} "&copy;") | (Single {(C)} "&copy;") | (Single {(r)} "&reg;") | (Single {(R)} "&reg;") | (Single {(tm)} "&trade;") | (Single {(TM)} "&trade;") | (Single {-tm} "&trade;") | (Single {-TM} "&trade;") | (Single {A^^`} {&Agrave;}) | (Single {a^^`} {&agrave;}) | (Single {A^^'} {&Aacute;}) | (Single {a^^'} {&Aacute;}) | (Single {A^^~} {&Atilde;}) | (Single {a^^~} {&atilde;}) | (Single {A^^"} {&Auml;}) | (Single {a^^"} {&auml;}) | (Single {A^^*} {&Aring;}) | (Single {a^^*} {&aring;}) | (Single {A^^E} {&AElig;}) | (Single {a^^e} {&aelig;}) | (Single {,C} {&Ccedil;}) | (Single {,c} {&ccdel;}) | (Single {E^^`} {&Egrave;}) | (Single {e^^`} {&egrave;}) | (Single {E^^'} {&Eacute;}) | (Single {e^^'} {&eacute;}) | (Single {E^^"} {&Euml;}) | (Single {e^^"} {&euml;}) | (Single {I^^`} {&Igrave;}) | (Single {i^^`} {&igrave;}) | (Single {I^^'} {&Iacute;}) | (Single {i^^'} {&iacute;}) | (Single {I^^"} {&Iuml;}) | (Single {i^^"} {&iuml;}) | (Single {D^^-} {&ETH;}) | (Single {d^^-} {&eth;}) | (Single {N^^~} {&Ntilde;}) | (Single {n^^~} {&ntilde;}) | (Single {O^^`} {&Ograve;}) | (Single {o^^`} {&ograve;}) | (Single {O^^'} {&Oacute;}) | (Single {o^^'} {&oacute;}) | (Single {O^^~} {&Otilde;}) | (Single {o^^~} {&otilde;}) | (Single {O^^"} {&Ouml;}) | (Single {o^^"} {&ouml;}) | (Single {O^^/} {&Oslash;}) | (Single {o^^/} {&oslash;}) | (Single {O^^E} {&OElig;}) | (Single {o^^e} {&oelig;}) | (Single {U^^`} {&Ugrave;}) | (Single {u^^`} {&ugrave;}) | (Single {U^^'} {&Uacute;}) | (Single {u^^'} {&uacute;}) | (Single {U^^"} {&Uuml;}) | (Single {u^^"} {&uuml;}) | (Single {Y^^'} {&Yacute;}) | (Single {y^^'} {&yacute;}) | (Single {Y^^"} {&Yuml;}) | (Single {y^^"} {&yuml;}) | (Single {S^^z} {&szlig;}) | (Single {P|} {&THORN;}) | (Single {p|} {&thorn;}) | (Single {~!} {&iexcl;}) | (Single {~?} {&iquest;}) | (Single {c^^/} {&cent;}) | (Single {L^^-} {&pound;}) | (Single {Y^^-} {&Yen;}) | (Single {o^^$} {&curren;}) | (Single {||} {&brvbar;}) | (Single {<<} {&laquo;}) | (Single {>>} {&raquo;}) | (Single {-,} {&not;}) | (Single {^^-} {&macr;}) | (Single {^^o} {&deg;}) | (Single {^^o-} {&ordm;}) ; { 1/4 } { &frac14; } { 1/2 } { &frac12; } { 3/4 } { &frac34; } | (Single {''} {&acute;}) | (Single {^^/u} {&micro;}) | (Single {P^^!} {&para;}) | (Single {sO} {&sect;}) | (Single {^^.} {&middot;}) | (Single {,,} {&cedil;}) | (Single {...} {&hellip;}) ;{ +- } {&plusmn;} ;{ * } {&times;} | (Single {-:} {&divide;}) ; { / } { &divide; } ; Slash is often used as a divider or alternative marker. | (Single {A^^} {&Acirc;}) | (Single {a^^} {&acirc;}) | (Single {E^^} {&Ecirc;}) | (Single {e^^} {&ecirc;}) | (Single {I^^} {&Icirc;}) | (Single {i^^} {&icirc;}) | (Single {O^^} {&Ocirc;}) | (Single {o^^} {&ocirc;}) | (Single {U^^} {&Ucirc;}) | (Single {u^^} {&ucirc;}) ;{ pi } {&pi;} | (Single {sqrt} {&radic;}) ; {<font face="symbol">&#214;</font>} | skip ] Dialect: func [String [string!]][ Block: make block! 10 Before: String After: none parse/case/all String [some Rules (Plain None) end] either empty? Block [ String ][ Block ] ] ] Inline: get in Inline! 'Dialect Line: Heading: Block: Previous: none Text-Line: [Graphic any Printable] Text: [copy Line Text-Line newline] H: [ opt Empty Text [ some "*" (Heading: 'H1) | some "=" (Heading: 'H2) | some "-" (Heading: 'H3) | some "~" (Heading: 'H4) | some "_" (Heading: 'H5) | some "." (Heading: 'H6) ] newline (repend Block [Heading Line]) ] IP: [Text (repend Block ['IP Inline Line])] P: [[Empty | tab] Text (repend Block ['P Inline Line])] Align!: make object! [ Type: 'Left Rule: [#" " (Type: 'Center) | tab (Type: 'Right) | none (Type: 'Left)] ] Align: Align!/Rule Center: make object! [ Lines: make block! 10 Rule: [ some [ #" " copy Line [Graphic any Printable] newline ( if not empty? Lines [ append Lines 'Br ] append Lines Inline Line ) ]( repend Block ['Center Lines] Lines: make block! 10 ) ] ] Table: make object! [ Type: 'TH Mark: #"|" NonBar: exclude Printable charset to-string Mark Cells: make block! 10 BarCell: [Mark Align copy Line some NonBar] TabCell: [copy Line some Printable (trim Line)] Append-Cell: does [ repend Cells [make path! reduce [Type Align!/Type] Inline Line] ] Row: [ [ [ opt [some [Mark some #"-"] opt Mark newline] some [BarCell (Append-Cell)] opt Mark ] | Align TabCell (Append-Cell) some [ tab Align TabCell (Append-Cell) ] ] newline ] Rows: make block! 10 Rule: [ opt Empty ( Type: 'TH Rows: make block! 10 Cells: make block! 10 ) some [ Row ( repend Rows ['TR Cells] Type: 'TD Cells: make block! 10 ) ]( repend Block ['Table Rows] ) ] ] Quote: make object! [ Quotes: make block! 1 Tabbed-Text: charset [#"^(20)" - #"^(7E)" #"^-"] Rule: [ some [ tab tab copy Line [some Tabbed-Text newline] (append/only Quotes Inline Line) ]( repend Block ['BlockQuote 'Pre rejoin Quotes] Quotes: make block! 10 ) ] ] BlockQuote: make object! [ Lines: make block! 1 NonQuoteText: exclude charset [#"^(20)" - #"^(7E)"] charset {"} NonQuoteLine: [ copy Line some NonQuoteText ] Rule: [ {"} copy Line some NonQuoteText {"} newline ( repend Block ['BlockQuote inline Line] ) | [ {"} copy Line some NonQuoteText newline ( append Lines append inline Line 'Br ) any [ Empty (append Lines 'Br) | copy Line some NonQuoteText newline ( append Lines append inline Line 'Br ) ] copy Line so