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[REBOL] Re: hard coded somewhere?

From: ammoncooke:yah:oo at: 28-May-2001 18:33

Nope. That left me with nothing in the list! Here is the complete source code, it is kinda long though: REBOL[ title: "Job Giver" Author: "Ammon Cooke" Date: "5-21-01" Purpose: "To randomly pass out jobs." ] fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] [ foreach list to-block faces [ list/sld/redrag list/lc / max 1 length? head list/lines ] ] creation: layout[ style lab label 100 right ;offset 100x100 across backdrop effect [gradient 0x1 gray] at 30x30 box 115x115 effect [gradient 2x2] at 10x10 box 115x115 effect [gradient 2x2 200.0.0 0.0.100] at 12x10 banner "Job Giver" at 15x40 vh4 bold italic 125 {Random Job Giving!!} at 100x15 lab "Jobs:" jobs: text-list 200x105 'default.txt' at 147x35 button "Save" 50x25 at 147x65 button "Get" 50x25 [ jobfile: request-file/filter "*.jbs" /file "jobs.jbs" file-jobs: read/lines file jobfile foreach line file-jobs [ append jobs/data line ] fix-slider jobs show jobs ] at 147x95 button "Del" 50x25 [ remove find jobs/data jobs/picked jobs/data: head jobs/data fix-slider jobs show jobs ] at 10x235 box 310x35 effect [gradient 2x2 blue] at -50x240 lab "Jobs:" jobadd: field 200x25 at 263x240 button "Add" 50x25 [ if not jobadd/data = ""[ append jobs/data copy jobadd/data fix-slider jobs show jobs ] ] at 100x125 lab "People:" ppl: text-list 200x107 at 147x145 button "Save" 50x25 at 147x175 button "Get" 50x25 [ pplfile: request-file/filter "*.ppl" /file "people.ppl" fileppl: read/lines file pplfile ppl/data: copy[] foreach pplline fileppl [ append ppl/data copy pplline ] fix-slider ppl show ppl ] at 147x205 button "Del" 50x25 [ remove find ppl/data ppl/picked ppl/data: head ppl/data fix-slider ppl show ppl ] at 10x275 box 323x35 effect [gradient 2x2 blue] at -37x280 lab "People:" ppladd: field 200x25 at 275x280 button "Add" 50x25 [ if not ppladd/data = ""[ append ppl/data copy ppladd/data fix-slider ppl show ppl ] ] at 400x15 lab "Generated:" gen: list 400X210 [ origin 0 across text 200 text 200 ] at 423x35 button "Generate" 75x25 [ numjobs: jobs/text: to-integer length? jobs/data numppl: ppl/text: to-integer length? ppl/data data: [ [theppl thejob] ] either numjobs <= numppl [ for i 0 numjobs 1 [ theppl: ppl/text: random/only ppl/data thejob: jobs/text: random/only jobs/data append gen/data copy data remove ppl/lines theppl ;append gen/lines thejob remove jobs/lines thejob ] fix-slider jobs fix-slider ppl fix-slider gen show jobs show ppl show gen ][ for i 0 numppl 1 [ theppl: ppl/text: random/only ppl/data thejob: jobs/text: random/only jobs/data append gen/lines copy theppl remove ppl/lines theppl append gen/lines copy thejob remove jobs/lines thejob ] fix-slider jobs fix-slider ppl fix-slider gen show jobs show ppl show gen ] ] at 423x65 button "Multi-Gen" 75x25 at 423x95 button "Print" 75x25 at 423x125 button "Save" 75x25 ] view/offset: creation 100x100 Thanks!! Ammon