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[REBOL] Re: A Rebol Challenge. The Monty Hall Puzzle IN 0 BY TES

From: reichart:prolific at: 19-Dec-2001 12:23

1. Q: Sunanda wrote: To compare like with like, other programs shou;d exactly replicate the format of the printed lines. A: We agree! Very nicely done. Actually "simulates" the problem. Several others have written good versions as well. Brett's for example. It is rare, even on this mailing group, that we can all try our hand at the same basic problem. Of course even in the same language there are infinite numbers of ways to express oneself. But this is what makes this so useful. I have grabbed a chunk of these emails for others (friends I'm slowly convincing to join the alliance) so they can learn faster. Coincidently, I'm currently working on a product I designed which will eventually become a new slot game in Vegas (and other gaming places). I have been doing combinatory statistics for the past 2 weeks. One of the mathematicians is working on Linux, and our front end is in Director PC. It would be SOOOOOOOOO much easier if everything were just Rebol. But both sides have their own problems. Rebol crashes on the Linux side, and the Director programmer (lingo) will NOT learn a new language. I'm slowly chipping away at the linux guy. Trying to get him to accept that Rebol is so great that he shouyld try to figure out why it crashes on his machine. Reichart... [Reichart--Prolific--com] Be useful.