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[REBOL] Re: simple as that

From: zokie:libero:it at: 31-Aug-2002 9:11

Hello Petr On 30-Ago-02, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> So, I think it works well enough. most of functions does not to be > exposed to global-context. Exposing load-locale using 'set could be > enough imo ...
I do know nothing before yesterday about Context & Set, I only re-edited your code :) I think so too, only open-catalog and make-catalog, perhaps get-languages and load-locale, should be global.
> One thing to think about is placement, path problem. Is there any way of > how to know, what path app.r resides on? I mean - if I will start app.r > from remote dir, I want somehow to look for catalogues on the same path.
I had a multi-path searching routine, the default pathes are: catalog-multi-path: [%./ %catalog/ %//rebol/view/catalog/] Application maker can add one or more pathes by using add-catalog-path (extra-pathes maybe URL), all extra-pathes are added at the head of block, because programmer knows better of us where he put catalog files ;) We should add a kind of application specific catalog multi path system: multi-path-list: [ app1-multi-path: [%./ %catalog/ %//rebol/view/catalog/] app2-multi-path: [ %./ %catalog/ %//rebol/view/catalog/] app3-multi-path: [%./ %catalog/ %//rebol/view/catalog/] ] catalog-multi-path: select multi-path-list app-name Now there is a catalog caching system, so if application is run more than one time in the same rebol session there is a big speedup or if its catalog was read from and URL only first time it is necessary to be connected. Open-catalog has a refinement to flush catalog cache: refresh, useful for developing & debugging.
> The aim is to remove requirement to pass full path to app.r file .... I > am not sure I am clear on my intention, but hope you will understand :-)
Yep! I'm a very clever guy :P But I don't know how to retrive this kind of information :( There is a newest version at: Regards -- "Where did you get all those facts!?!"