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[REBOL] Re: Carl? Re: View in Fullscreen?? Re: Re: a demo

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 5-Dec-2002 19:33

Carl, thank you very much for sharing your ideas with us, appreciated it! As for optimisation, I noticed some View patch by Gabriele or Romano, posted on AltME - it simply filters repetitive events once event system is overloaded or so I understand. Maybe it is not all that correct explanation, but hopefully Gabriele or Romano will step-in and send enhancement request to your Feedback and then let us know here feedback's reply .... As for some other enhancements which could be probably add to native code, I remember old Express discussion with Holger .... ---------- Probably. The plan is to allow all outline rendering (lines, circles, boxes etc.) to use the fill pen instead of the normal outline pens. That in combination with fill patterns gives you the ability to use arbitrary images as stencils, even for lines. ---------- Cyphre: For removing timeouts without hiding a face ? The solution is probably something like "face/changes: 'timeout show face" in the next version. We are already using face/changes in some other places to limit the work show has to do, and to avoid flickering. Seems like a natural addition. ------- But what did I liked most last week during AltMe session? DVM - dialect virtual machine :-) We already have 'draw, right? It would be coold to see some other specialised dialect based virtual machines (ports) for things like math or pixel manipulation. That way per pixel manipulation could be speed up ... ... or maybe poke/pick /dup-only refinement, allowing us to poke/pick block of different values at certain position, escaping the need for iterations ... Well, anyway, thanks once again for your reply and as for the idea of plug-ins - I think if you go that route, you should not limit it to image loaders/savers, but allow some pluggable components even in some other areas, exposing some internal rebol API to allow developers to work with some of rebol datatypes from external library (component code). Awaiting your "separate question" you are about to post :-) -pekr-