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[REBOL] Re: New Rugby based chat client

From: koopmans:itr:ing:nl at: 24-Sep-2001 10:27

First of all, you need to change the call to get-rugby-server to use the http refinement. It is either tcp (default) or http. You have to switch in the Reblet. You have to call: server-ctx: context get-rugby-service/http The online docs have a typo there: the protocol should be http in stead of tcp. Rugby *is* non-blocking on the server side and on the client when using tcp. The problem is that the view event loop is suspended upon network activity. It is a Rebol feature ;-( And as Rebols http implementation is NOT non-blocking, you see the root of all evil... Writing my own http handler seems no good idea: COre 3.0 will be async which gives the same effect, and the current http handler has good proxy support. --Maarten