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[REBOL] Rebot progressing nicely!

From: mat::eurogamer::net at: 29-Nov-2000 19:33

Hi folks, I've made absolutely fantastic progress with my Rebol IRC bot. It's fully functional now and it's been amazing people how easily I drop in new commands that actually DO cool stuff. Like ripping the top 3 BBCnews headlines :) I found a port combination of /no-wait and /lines made the code really easy to use, not having to worry about a buffer and ignoring the last line until it was completed later etc. Anyhow, the code is turning into something really quite spaghetti style. I thought making it modular would be best. IE /msg rebot <command> <args> Would go off and run rebot-<command>.r The question is, would this be relatively quick and how do I parse args to another rebot script? I'm amazed I've got this far given how little of the basics I understand :) I'm somewhat interested in these new Rebol books that are out now. I don't consider the official guide to be very conducive to learning the language at all, unfortunately. It's irritatingly vague on all the stuff that really matters (and you guys have born the grunt of my stupid questions as a result). How do the others rate, anyone seen them? -- Mat Bettinson - EuroGamer's Gaming Evangelist with a Goatee |