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[REBOL] Re: Setting variable in complex paths

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 27-Apr-2001 21:46

Hi, I remember the very ooold days of Rebol, it was some 1997 and Rebol existed just in some form of Alpha prerelease featuring very little of its current set of datatypes :-) I implemented function called 'extract, doing something similar .... ... it is interesting to see someone else sees need for some kind of functions, allowing us to work with nested structures. Everything Rebol interpreted is just ... well ... interpreted ... I suggested some kind of find/deep functionality, returning path to the element. I mentioned it to Carl on Express Conference, and he expressed the opinion Rebol's 'find function is overly compex. So I suggested calling it 'locate, or something like that ... ->> locate address-book 'last ->> 1/2/2 ; or [1 2 2] I am not sure if it could be appliable upon some more complex cases, e.g. distinguishing literals lookup, words look-up, string and other datatypes lookup, what about several occurances of the same value we are looking for? just theoretically, it could: 1) treat even complex block nested structured as "flat" ones, 1 dimmensional ones ... 2) let's say we want to perform some kind of lookup that way thru main-face/pane containing other faces (and their panes etc, simply nested displays .... there is danger of cross-reference though ... ... as for cross-references, rebol halts probing VID stuff too much. ... just as an example try: view layout [btn: button "OK" [unview]] probe btn ... and you will see not only btn face got probed ... Sorry for being off-topic, but ... it just came to my mind :-) -pekr-