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[REBOL] [Styles] A number Style

From: philb::upnaway::com at: 20-Jun-2004 18:29

Hi, An update to the number style I posted on Friday .... this is getting a bit complex but hopefully you can use it and not worry about the details. (Note : Doesnt allow scientific notation ie 12.34e5.) my-styles: stylize [ rfield: field feel [engage: func[face action event /local pass] [ ; print event/type pass: does[ctx-text/edit/engage face action event] if event/type = 'key [ ch: event/key if ch = 'left [pass exit] if ch = 'right [pass exit] if ch = 'home [pass exit] if ch = 'end [pass exit] if find face/single-chars ch [if find face/data ch [exit]] if find "^A^C^H^X^~^-" ch [pass exit] if all [(face/max-len > 0) (length? face/text) >= face/max-len] [exit] if all [(face/allow-chars <> "") not find face/allow-chars ch] [exit] ] pass ] ] with [allow-chars: "" single-chars: "" max-len: 0] ; a number , may have leading "-" & decimal places nfield: field feel [engage: func[face action event /local pass ch cch dp tx itx iex len] [ ; print event/type pass: does[ctx-text/edit/engage face action event] if event/type = 'key [ ch: event/key if ch = 'left [pass exit] if ch = 'right [pass exit] if ch = 'home [pass exit] if ch = 'end [pass exit] if find "^A^C^H^X^~^-" ch [pass exit] cch: (length? face/text) - (length? system/view/caret) + 1 if ch = #"-" [either cch = 1 [either face/neg [pass exit][exit]][exit]] if ch = #"." [ either not face/dec [exit] [ dp: find face/data ch either dp = none [idp: length? face/text][exit] either face/text = "" [icar: 1] [ icar: index? system/view/caret if #"-" = first face/text [icar: icar -1] ] either any [idp - icar >= face/dpts] [exit] [pass exit] ] ] if all [(face/allow-chars <> "") not find face/allow-chars ch] [exit] ; check no of decimal places if all [face/dec face/dpts <> 0 not any [ch = #"e" ch = "E"]] [ tx: find face/text "." either tx = none [itx: 0][itx: index? tx] iex: length? face/text if all [ itx > 0 face/dpts = (iex - itx) (index? system/view/caret) - 1 <= iex (index? system/view/caret) > itx ] [exit] ] ; check no of digits if all [face/text <> "" face/dig > 0] [ either face/dec [ ; decimal digts tx: find face/text "." either tx = none [len: length? face/text] [ either (index? system/view/caret) > index? tx [len: 0] [len: (index? tx) - 1] ] if #"-" = first face/text [len: len - 1] if face/dig <= len [exit] ] [ ; integer digits either #"-" = first face/text [if face/dig + 1 <= length? face/text [exit]] [if face/dig <= length? face/text [exit]] ] ] ] pass ] ] with [allow-chars: "0123456789" dec: false dig: 0 dpts: 2 neg: true] ; note - set dec: true & dpts: 0 for no limits of the number of decimal places ; field with fixed font ff-rfield: rfield font [name: font-fixed] ff-nfield: nfield font [name: font-fixed] ; decimal field dfield: ff-nfield with [dec: true] udfield: ff-nfield with [dec: true neg: false] ; integer field ifield: ff-nfield uifield: ff-nfield with [neg: false] ;hexadecimal field hfield: ff-rfield with [allow-chars: "0123456789ABCDEF#" single-chars: "#"] ; date field date-field: ff-rfield with [allow-chars: "0123456789/" single-chars: ""] ] ; ; Test fields ; tx: 1 view layout [ styles my-styles style lab label 160 right backdrop 0.150.0 across lab "Signed Decimal 2dp" dfield return lab "Unsigned Decimal 2dp" udfield return lab "Signed Decimal 10dp" dfield with [dpts: 10] return lab "Unsigned Decimal 10dp" udfield with [dpts: 10] return lab "Signed Decimal" dfield with [dpts: 0] return lab "Unsigned Decimal" udfield with [dpts: 0] return lab "Signed Integer" ifield return lab "Unsigned Integer" uifield return lab "Signed Decimal 8 dig 4dp" dfield with [dig: 8 dpts: 4] return lab "Signed Integer 8 dig" ifield with [dig: 8] return lab "Hex field" hfield return lab "Date (99/99/9999)" date-field return lab "Just ABCDEFGWI" rfield with [allow-chars: "ABCDEFGWI" single-chars: ""] return lab "Max Length 6" rfield with [max-len: 6] ] Cheers Phil