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[REBOL] Solution: Launch Programs from REBOL/View Re:

From: dado:slovkaufring:sk at: 28-Sep-2000 9:52

> Well imagine following: > > in pseudo-code: > > ftpcopy rebol to host x > open telnetsession to host "x" > run rebol on host "x" > > Do you see the possibilities? > > Regards > Jochen
You're right with this one, but then again, if rebol will be accessible on the other side, you can/could execute your code in a more direct manner. We're talking about local execution here. I have no problem with executing programs on other machines, with rebol or not, but be it rebol, it would be much easier and simpler to implement. Regarding Elan's answer:
> REBOL/Command gives you quite a lot of access to the OS (launching > programs, > redirecting program output to the console, loading libraries > ...). What's wrong with paying for a program? ;-)
I'm not against commercial software, but there have been many points and questions already raised by Pekr. Not going into this... (again!?:) But what you're telling me is: if you want to execute an external program, pay $250 for it. You know, I need a single system call! I like the abilities that /Command gives you, but I don't need all this to do exec. I'm not saying you can't go with wrap-arounds, but WHY??? Imagine all the great networking code that's in REBoL would be there, but there would be no "listen". You would be offered a /Network version for just a $250 (cause, you know "listen", that's for servers, right?). I hope you get the idea. I'm not saying I don't want to pay for anything, nor trying to state anything bad about REBoL. This is about something else... Jano