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[REBOL] Re: not so pseudo code? (an alternative to style changes)

From: chris:starforge:demon at: 9-Jan-2002 13:01

Brett Handley wrote:
> Now imagine you are looking at the source using an enhanced viewer. What if > you could name (or comment) a given code block (I know we can but just bear > with me). Now the trick is that if you magic-click the code-block it > collapses into it's associated name (or short description). So visually your > function is now far simpler yet still only one function.
Not REBOL but.... When I'm coding C/C++ I use emacs (death to vi!) which has a minor mode called Hide-Show. Using that I can do things like (pulling some code from a recent project): /** Voltage chart text formatter. * This replaces special "$" codes in the specified format string with * values taken from upsStatus. Please see the switch in the body of the * function for details about which codes are recognised. All unrecognised * codes or other characters are simply copied to the buffer. * * \par Arguments: * \arg \c buffer - Destination buffer. * \arg \c size - number of characters available in buffer (not inc \n). * \arg \c format - Format string to process into buffer. * * \todo Find a way to unify formatVoltText(), formatFreqText() and * formatTempText() to reduce the amount of replication between them (maybe * use varargs and pass the values to replace code with in that way?) */ static void formatVoltText(gchar *buffer, gint size, gchar *format)... If I then shift-middleclick on the function name I can show the body of the function, a shift-middleclick in the function body reduces it to the function name and parameter list followed by "..." again. Is this what you mean? Chris -- .------{ }-----. .--------------------------. =[ Explorer2260, Designer and Coder \=\ P: TexMaker, ROACH, site \ =[___You_will_obey_your_corporate_masters___]==[ Stack: EETmTmTRRSS------ ]