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[REBOL] Re: Fun with literal blocks!

From: lmecir:geocities at: 28-Oct-2000 9:03

Hi Joel,
> If you mean > > "Should Fibon be written as self-modifying code?" > > then (see my answer to Ladislav's comments on the same post) I'd answer > that there are certainly some pros and cons to SMC. It is certainly a > technique that should be used with care. OTOH, there are some very > elegant things that can be done with functions that either: > > * maintain persistent state via SMC (less overhead vs full-blown objects),
I think, that you are mixing two issues here. One is a use of SMC and the second one is the ability of a function to maintain its state or to do other useful things... The most general version of the state-maintaining technique is a possibility to create a function having static local variables. Here are my 3 implementations of that: ; 1) this version of Sfun creates a function having static local variables ; using an embedded object to maintain its state sfun: function [ {Create a function with static local variables} init [block!] args [block!] body [block!] ] [ini] [ ini: make-object init body: compose [ (ini) (bind/copy :body in ini 'self) ] func :args :body ] ; a Make Object! modification allowing any Self make-object: function [ {make object} blk [block!] "object spec" ] [result getres] [ getres: func [value] [result: :value] blk: compose [(:getres) :self (blk)] error? make object! copy/deep blk result ] { Example #1: counter: sfun [self: 0] [] [ self: self + 1 print self ] counter counter recycle counter Example #2 cell: func [ {create a function that holds a value} initval [any-type!] ] [ sfun [value: none set/any 'value get/any 'initval origset: :set] [ /set newval [any-type!] ] [ either set [origset/any 'value get/any 'newval] [ get/any 'value ] ] ] a: cell 5 print a a/set 18 print a Example #3 cell: func [ {create a function that holds a value} require-type [datatype!] initval [any-type!] /local result ] [ result: sfun [value: none origset: :set] [ /set newval [require-type] ] [ either set [origset/any 'value get/any 'newval] [ get/any 'value ] ] result/set get/any 'initval :result ] a: cell 5 print a a/set 18 print a } ; 2) this version of Sfun uses a Use technique, ; is *much* more elegant, totally WYSIWYG, ; it doesn't always have a static local 'Self as opposed to 1), ; but the GC bug doesn't allow it to work sometimes :( ; I wrote it to show, that the only reason ; for using a SMC technique ; may be to circumvent the GC bug ; (out of a frying pan and into the fire) sfun: function [ {Create a function with static local variables} init [block!] args [block!] body [block!] ] [words] [ words: make block! 0 foreach elem init [ if set-word? get/any 'elem [ append words to word! :elem ] ] use union words [] copy/deep reduce [ :do :init :func :args :body ] ] { Example #1: counter: sfun [self: 0] [] [ self: self + 1 print self ] counter counter counter counter } ; 3) this version creates an object behaving like ; a function having static local variables, ; the code is totally WYSIWYG too, ; and the GC bug doesn't have a chance: sfun: func [ {Create a function with static local variables} init [block!] args [block!] body [block!] ] [ make-object [ ini: make-object init do: func args bind/copy body in ini 'self ] ] { Example #1: counter: sfun [self: 0] [] [ self: self + 1 print self ] counter/do counter/do recycle counter/do }
> * construct and then evaluate code blocks "on the fly", or > * can examine (and modify) their own operation for explanation or > optimization. > > The whole history of AI is full of examples of the latter two.
Just a comment: my definition of SM/WYSIWYG Code is *much weeker*, than a "normal" one. That means, that you *can* use a Rebol WYSIWYG code to construct and then evaluate code blocks "on the fly". Similarly it is possible to examine and modify the operation of functions. E.g. the code: code: [ a: copy [1 remove a 2] do copy a ] is WYSIWYG according to the defininion I supplied.