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[ALLY] Re: Other question about stylesheets

From: allenk:powerup:au at: 25-Apr-2001 11:24

Hi Etienne, I would vote for option1 over option2. Using stylize you have the power to not only add new styles but can overide all the existing ones, so you can enforce a uniform (but different) style on all your apps. So changing a look and feel for an app is just a matter of changing the name of the style used in layout or altering the stylesheet. ; a style corporate-styles: stylize [ text: text font-size 12 h1: h1 crimson logo: image [image %xyz.gif] .... ....etc ] ;Later the company decides to change logo and major headings are to be in the new company color of "navy" . corporate-styles: stylize [ text: text font-size 12 h1: h1 navy logo: image [image %xyz2.gif] ... ...etc ] However you may also decide to combine the two methods you present by doing the following. corp-colors: [ alt-headings: crimson background: black company-green: leaf - 0.30.0 ] corporate-styles: stylize [ text: text font-size 12 h1: h1 corp-colors/alt-headings logo: image [image %xyz2.gif] ... ...etc ] This gives you the power of simple styles in layouts without the need to add facets each time they are used, but also gives you a standard place to find those facets when needed. layout [h1 "New heading" corp-colors/company-green] I hope this made some sense. The answer you need depends on your situation really. Cheers, Allen K