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[REBOL] Re: Antwort: Re: WYSIWYG programming

From: jeff:rebol at: 27-Oct-2000 9:09

Howdy, Joel:
> I really cannot emphasize enough how much I > appreciate having someone from RT giving us the benefit of > your perspective on these issues! > > (May I respectfully reserve the right to disagree, however? > ;-)
Yeah, but when we respond then you guys don't let us off the hook and you hold us to the fire!! :-) Hah hah -- Just jokin around, ya-know!
> ON FRUSTRATION > > 3) The language does not have sufficient documentation to > allow the programmer to learn the language -- without > exhaustive trial-and- error experimentation.
We've lost Carl for weeks on end while he did a rewrite of our docs for reason 3 above.
> 4) The language has features whose complexity requires that > the programmer keep up with more "moving parts" and > exceptions to be able to use them safely.
Few things in REBOL can be generally classed number 4 above -- or at least fewer things than many (most) other languages out there. Simple things are simple to do, and you can do hard things too (but hard things can still be hard!).
> 5) The language has features that are "emergent properties" > rather than "designed concepts" -- that is, they are > consequences of the interactions of other features of the > language which even the language designer(s) may not have > intended or anticipated.
The above is by design, just like strategy is an emergent property of chess which is based on simple movement rules of the pieces. REBOL is full of these things, where you suddenly realize a new use for an old function. You suddenly realise that instead of: either found? val1 [foo: val1][ either found? val2 [foo: val2][ either found? val3 [foo: val3][ foo: default-val ] ] ] you can just do this: foo: any [val1 val2 val3 default-val] All this time you might have thought ANY was just this lazy conditional evaluator, to be used only after IF or EITHER, but really it makes for a very useful value selector by placing values in it in the order of precedence. This arises from a simple rule in the design of REBOL that all functions that can return a value do. Here's another one of those type emergent language capabilities (a kind of silly one that I'm fond of): to-tuple loop 3 [append [] random 255] Above capitalizes on the nature of literal blocks and the fact that loop returns a value. Or: if loop 20 [do-something now/time > 12:00:00] [print #afternoon] These emergent properties constitute the expressiveness of REBOL. Fluency in REBOL is a matter of finding slicker ways to express things (I think ANY is much slicker than EITHER EITHER EITHER (-:).
> 6) The implementation of the language may be faulty -- > compared either to its published specifications or (absent > such specs) the initial intentions of its designer(s).
By any other name: BUG. Yes, software has bugs. Bugs are frustrating.
> 7) The language "grew" rather than being "designed".
The language's design grew. Carl has spent 15+ years designing REBOL, building different prototypes of REBOL. An amazing amount of attention to detail has come from this. The basic core of the language reflects this great design legacy, and is witnessed in the consistency of how datatypes work, the language's seamless polymorphism, and the general benevolence of the language (by that I mean that REBOL tries to help you wherever it can-- it's like there's always a coat hook placed exactly where you want to hang your coat). The areas where REBOL has "grown" is in the "features" layer. Features are sometimes added which don't support the full gamut of operations that most other datatypes have, or they have some exception to a rule. Features occasionally break the consistency that the design of REBOL has sought (in my opinion very successfully) to achieve otherwise.
> Again, the further we go down this list, the more we have > to shift our focus to the concepts, notation, > specifications, implementation, and documentation of the > language (and away from the programmer) as the causes and > remedies of the frustration. Note especially on #6 that > the absence of a published specification means that it is > not possible, even in principle, to state definitively > whether a given instance of questioned behavior is an > implementation bug!
We all want to understand what hurdles people face in learning and adopting REBOL. We rap about this often in the office, and your breakdown above is pretty good, though I would throw out 7, 5 and 4 and just look at the remaining issues: Bugs and docs. To those two I'd add support. A user entering into a new language like REBOL wants to know they can find a thriving community of users that can pass along guru tips and quickly diagnose and help them through newbie problems. They want tutorials, and FAQs and how-tos, and cool examples, etc. REBOL Tech.'s worked hard on providing a lot of that stuff, and many others have as well, but this is one big area where any one can contribute in a meaningful way to the spread and adoption of REBOL. (As Dan recently mentioned, we're also working on a contribution system where people can contribute to the language more directly. Basically this will entail the generous programmer giving us the copyrights to their contributed source code so, that if we decide it's appropriate and of a quality to include, we can place it in the core, or include it in the distribution. We'll also add a contributors page to our web site with a description of what someone has provided. We hope this will be a great way for people to add to the language for the benefit of all. More details to come soon!!)
> and the results of converting integer! values to other > numeric types > > >> to-decimal 0 < to-decimal 1 == 1 > >> to-decimal 0 <= to-decimal 1 == 1
Uh, I think you want:
>> (to-decimal 0) < to-decimal 1 == true >> (to-decimal 0) <= to-decimal 1 == true
Think of the infix < and <= operators as shifting around prior to evaluation to become prefix operators. The first case would then actually be interpreted as: to-decimal (< 0 to-decimal 1) to-decimal (<= 0 to-decimal 1) Here is a case of a subtlety about infix operators that may occasionally bite people (one for the docs). The general rule I use is "compound expressions on the left side of an infix operator must be parenthesized". Or, "always put compound expressions to the right of an infix operator", eg: 0 = to-integer "0" == true ;- correct to-integer "0" = 0 == 0 ;- not what you want The second case yields: to-integer (= "0" 0)
> Now, notice that we aren't allowed to compare logic! > values???? > > >> to-logic 0 < to-logic 1 > ** Script Error: Expected one of: integer! - not: > ** logic!. Where: to-logic 0 < to-logic 1
The error above is complaining because that expression is seen as: to-logic (< 0 to-logic 1) But in either case...
> >> false < true > ** Script Error: Cannot use lesser? on logic! value. > ** Where: false < true
> On the other hand: > > >> pick foo true == "a" pick foo false == "b" fum: true > >> == true foo/:fum == "a" fum: false == false foo/:fum > >> == "b" > > So, we can't compare logic! values, apparently due only to > some type-checking rule in the comparison operators. But > if we could, the way they inter-convert with integer! > values would lead us to conclude that FALSE precedes TRUE. > But that is inconsistent with the fact that the TRUE-th > position of a block precedes the FALSE-th position of the > block!
A key point here is that REBOL is context dependent. Because TRUE means something in the context of PICK, it does not necessarily imply an ordinal ordering of logic values. People usually think "TRUE" "FALSE", in that order. EITHER places the TRUE block first, the ELSE/FALSE block second. Pick thinks of TRUE/FALSE in that way. Now when someone is converting a logic value to a number they usually have a different expectation: TRUE being 1, and FALSE being 0. That would be my normal expectation, but now we have two clashing expectations if we consider them together (as you have done here). Should we change it so that we have: EITHER condition [FALSE-BLOCK] [TRUE-BLOCK] to accomplish some consistency with logic datatypes? NO WAY! The best you can do with things like this is to have the language be context dependent. RETURN means something totally different in a layout than it does in a function body. The great aspiration for the language once it has booted to the prompt is that things mean what they mean where ever they mean it in the most intuitive way (--now say that 3x fast! (:). Whenever we run into situations where we say "gee, that really dosn't work the way people would 'normally' expect" we fix them. In the next releases there are some fixes like that, for instance to-binary of a tuple and inserts and joins on binary values have recently been fixed to work as people more generally expect.
> Except my passing reference to common convention, all of > the above discussion has to do with completely REBOL-ish > things: comparing REBOL values, converting between REBOL > datatypes, and using REBOL values to pick values from a > block. > > This is only a tiny, somewhat arbitrary, example; I hope it > helps convey that the issue is not simply an inexperienced > programmer complaining that REBOL is not > Visual-PerlGOL-2000-Octothorp!
You make many valid points, Joel, but let's boil it down to the three basic issues: fixing bugs, adding docs, and (community) support. Switching pain is exacerbated by lack of those three things. Adoption of REBOL is hindered by switching pain. REBOL Tech should work on the first two and try to facilitate the third as much as possible. The thing I just want to exclude from the equation is the design of REBOL. REBOL's design is solid and remarkably consistent, but most importantly it is context dependent. The odd cases where we do get bitten by apparent inconsistencies are far less than the ongoing experiences people have with REBOL where things DO work the way people expect them to. When something does not work in the way the average user would expect, let us know (you all are very good about that!) and we'll throw those in the bug pile and fix em! :-) Saludos-- -jeff