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[REBOL] Re: Embedded objects - deviation

From: lmecir::mbox::vol::cz at: 14-Mar-2003 9:22

Hi James, to keep IT simple, I changed the wording a bit. Any experiments and experiences are welcome: dynamic: function [ {make a dynamic object} spec [block!] /inherit object [object!] ] [result] [ result: make object! [!: none] result/!: make either inherit [object/!] [object!] spec result ] ; this is how you can create dynamic objects: Bob: dynamic [name: "Bob"] BobsDog: dynamic [name: "Rex"] SuzyCat: dynamic [name: "Suzy"] ; this is how you can query dynamic objects: Bob/!/name ; == "Bob" BobsDog/!/name ; == "Rex" SuzyCat/!/name ; == "Suzy" ; this is how to add properties to a dynamic object: Bob/!: make Bob/! [Dog: BobsDog] BobsDog/!: make BobsDog/! [Cat: SuzyCat] Bob/!/Dog/!/name ; == "Rex" BobsDog/!/Cat/!/name ; == "Suzy" Bob/!/Dog/!/Cat/!/name ; == "Suzy" ; inheritance: Andy: dynamic/inherit [name: "Andy"] Bob Andy/!/Dog/!/name ; == "Rex" Regards -L