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[REBOL] Re: POST examples ...

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 4-Jun-2001 19:07

> insert http-port http-request > ;now grabbing header stuff 1 byte at a time > ;so that we can get content length > ;look for two newlines in a row > data: make string! 1000 > while [not parse/all data [to "^/^/" to end]][ > append data copy/part http-port 1 > ]
.. pressed for the time. I can understand most parts of the script, but are above lines correct? So you run 'while loop containing 'parse. What do you do if string like "asdfasf^/^/ something else" arrives to your port? Are you sure that by reading out 1 byte from the port you will get whole string till ^/^/ is reached? Thanks anyway - will try it at my work tomorrow ...
> Hope this one helps *and* solve the problem.
I already solved it :-) Well, the only one problem is 'read needs lots of memory, but it works :-) Right now I just want to get more familiar with POST method, so I am asking questions you are answering in a great manner. Appreciated! -pekr-