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[REBOL] [] Recent changes

From: rebol:rebol at: 24-Nov-2004 2:19

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= prolog.r --change: new script --title: Prolog Like Inference Engine --owners: coccinelle --author: Marco --purpose: This is an inference engine wich process prolog like clause The engine can process prolog like clauses of the form : man [jean] woman [mary] human [X] [man [X]] human [X] [woman [X]] CUT (!) and FAIL are implemanted (it's the only hardcoded predicates in the engine) The engine execute Rebol code placed in parenthesis (like in the parse function). Parenthesis can be place either in the body of the clause or as a parameter of predicates : add [X Y (X + Y)] human [X] [man [X] (print [X "is a human"])] The engine consider that all words with a value that are not functions as vars. Other words are taken as symbol. Local vars are all words that start with an uppercase char or with underscore (_) The anonyme var is implemented and can be either _ or none A var is free if it's value is none, a var is bound if it's value is not none The engine offers a set of pre-defined clauses (internal clausses) like NOT, EQUAL?, IF, BOUND, FREE and REPEAT. To add or remove clauses from a knowlege base use ASSERT and RETRACT function To execute a goal, use GOAL or FOR-WHICH functions To bench the engine use BENCH-GOAL function. The call-trace and unify-trace words allows to enable or disable the trace capability of the engine. --url: sql-protocol.r --change: updated script --change: documentation added or updated --title: SQL PROTOCOL --owners: coccinelle --author: Marco --purpose: This script provide a REBOL protocol that implements an SQL Relationnal Database Engine Today, this protocol execute only these query : - SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... - INSERT ... INTO ... VALUES ... - UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE ... - DELETE FROM ... WHERE ... - CREATE TABLE ... - DROP TABLE ... --url: vt-emailer.r --change: new script --change: updated script --title: REBOL/View Desktop - Emailer --owners: didec --author: Didier Cadieu --purpose: It's an enhancement of the original emailer released in the ViewDesktop. It handles file attachments. --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: recent documentation: =======end======= --The Library People --24-Nov-2004