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[ALLY] bug with 'guide?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 9-Oct-2000 16:15

Hi, just struggling with some layout issues. I want to have screen with two colums of fields: user-card: [ style txt text 70 bold right style btn button 80x20 across txt "Jméno:" jmeno: field mark: at return txt "Příjmení:" prijmeni: field return txt "Ev. číslo:" ev_cislo: field return txt "Nákl.Stř:" naklstr: field return txt "Oddělení:" oddeleni: field return txt "Referát:" referat: field return guide mark txt "Telefon:" telefon: field return txt "Mobil:" mobil: field return txt "Fax:" fax: field return txt "email:" email: text-list 200x80 ] guide mark navigates me to strange position: X coordinate seems to be OK, but Y starts just as if I put the item on other line (below the 'referat field) once setting 'below in front of 'guide, it seems to be OK, I just need another pairs (name of field and field itself) to put on one line, so I change above to: below guide mark across ... but Y coordinate is reset to 0. Why? I don't want to hard-lay items by using 'at directive, but I am not able to follow all the combinations of below, across, guide, at, origin and their dependencies ... Anyone willing to help or confirm a bug? I know reports some similar problems too, but not sure if it concerns .38 version too ... Thanks, -pekr-