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[REBOL] VID: Check problem

From: kpeters::otaksoft::com at: 1-Oct-2007 9:48

I use the code below to "lock" faces on data entry screens to prevent users from accidentally changing things. II just noticed that I cannot seem to update checks when they are locked - that workd fine for all other faces. How can I handle this? Thanks Kai lock-fields: func[ pane [block!] flag [logic!] ][ either flag [ unfocus foreach face pane [ if any [ face/style = 'field face/style = 'fld face/style = 'btn face/style = 'defbtn face/style = 'rotary face/style = 'rot face/style = 'choice face/style = 'sel face/style = 'check ] [ face/feel: none ] ] ][ foreach face pane [ if face/style = 'check [ face/feel: svvf/check ] if any [ face/style = 'field face/style = 'fld ] [ face/feel: ctx-text/edit ] if any [ face/style = 'rotary face/style = 'rot ] [ face/feel: svvf/rotary ] if any [ face/style = 'choice face/style = 'sel ] [ face/feel: svvf/choice ] if any [ face/style = 'btn face/style = 'defbtn] [ face/feel: svvf/btn ] ] ] ]