[REBOL] Re: Script args
From: btiffin::rogers::com at: 29-Jul-2007 15:20
I'd nod my head in agreement to that last line it is annoying, but in a
pleasant REBOL kind of way. :)
We still have to wait a few more sleeps, but there have been promises made
about simplifying Programming In The Large with REBOL version 3, and multiple
scripts in a project with argument passing will hopefully get a good work
over. As well as making R3 more shell scriptable. I look forward to a day
where I can log into up my GNU/Linux box with /usr/bin/rebol as the shell,
but for now those are just hopes and dreams, realistic hopes and dreams, but
still a few more sleeps before coming to grips with the true potential of R3.
R2 is capable of doing almost everything, but it usually involves
experimenting to make things fit and you have approach each problem knowing
that the solution you think will work my not be the solution of best fit.
On Sunday 29 July 2007 03:18, Jonathan Kelly wrote: