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[REBOL] Re: search engine

From: ammon:addept:ws at: 23-Dec-2002 18:33

Ah, Here it is! REBOL [ title: "REBsearch" author: "Frank Sievertsen" version: 1.0.4 date: 10-1-02 purpose: "Find files from the World Wide REB" ] rebsearch-data: none ; compatible with old rsearch.r context [ update-mode: no files: [ %rsearch.r %rebsearch.r %fx5-styles.r %fx5-menu.r %center-resize.r ] foreach [file url] files [ if not exists? file [ request-download/to url file ] ] do %rsearch.r do %fx5-styles.r do %center-resize.r rebsearch-styles: stylize/styles [ path: h3 blue / 2 font [colors/2: blue] [ foreach dat any [rebsearch-data ""] [ if all [ dat/1 = 'folder dat/5 = face/text ] [ break if block? ctx-viewtop [ctx-viewtop: context ctx-viewtop] ctx-viewtop/init-desktop ctx-viewtop/goto-url dat/2 ] ] ] url: txt blue / 2 ] fx5-styles s-field: s-panel: s-slider: none search: func [str /local out] [ s-panel/pane: none show s-panel out: compose [ origin 0x0 styles fx5-styles styles rebsearch-styles backdrop space 0x0 h1 (join "Search was: " str) ] foreach [url fields path] rebsearch str [ repend out [ 'h2 form fields/1/1 'pad 20x0 ] foreach name next fields/1 [repend out [ 'h2 form name ]] foreach desc fields/2 [repend out [ 'h3 form desc ]] repend out [ 'path form path blue / 2 'url form url blue / 2 'pad -20x5 ] ] out: layout out out/offset: 0x0 s-panel/pane: out show s-panel s-slider/redrag out/parent-face/size/y / out/size/y s-slider/data: 0 show s-slider ] win: view/title/new/options make layout [styles fx5-styles backdrop space 0x5 across h1 "REBsearch" pad 10x4 txt form system/script/header/version return s-field: field 400 button "Search" [ search s-field/data ] return s-panel: panel 500x300 - 15x0 [txt ""] edge [effect: 'ibevel size: 2x2 color: 200.200.200] s-slider: slider 15x300 [if object? s-panel/pane [ s-panel/pane/offset/y: s-panel/size/y - s-panel/pane/size/y - 2 * value show s-panel/pane ]] return button "Update" [ update-mode: yes unview/all ] pad 10x4 txt "This will update the database, the client and all used scripts" ] [mem-size: min-size: size] "REBsearch" [resize] s-panel/pane: make face [ color: none ] win/feel: make win/feel [ engage: func [f a e] [ center-resize f 200x100 s-slider/redrag s-panel/size/y / s-panel/pane/size/y s-slider/state: none show s-slider show f ] ] s-slider/redrag 1 do-events if update-mode [ foreach [file url] files [ request-download/to url file ] do %rebsearch.r ] ] comment [ if block? ctx-viewtop [ctx-viewtop: context ctx-viewtop] ctx-viewtop/init-desktop ctx-viewtop/goto-url ] Enjoy!! Ammon Johnson CIO of Addept ---------- ( 435.616.2322 ---------- (ammon AT