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[REBOL] VID dynamic layout

From: tmoeller:fastmail:fm at: 13-Jan-2010 9:14

Hi, i have some problems to generate a dynamic layout. I have an result set from a database, which returns the percent usage of resources. I try is to show this as a status bar or progress bar or something like that, which is green in general, but becoming orange or red depending on its value. I tried this with a progress bar but cannot make the bar showing the values. Simplified i try to do the following: make-lbl-name: func [lang [word!] type [datatype!]][ to type join 'lbl- lang ] lay-spec: [ across space 4x4 backdrop effect compose [gradient 1x0 (white) (silver) ] return style pgr progress 270 green ] foreach line result [ append lay-spec compose [ (make-lbl-name to-word line/3 set-word!) text bold 200 (form line/3) pgr return ] ] I thought in the foreach loop there must be somthing like if line > 80 [PG1: pgr orange and PG1/data: line/ 16] . That doesn't seem to work. What am i understanding wrong?? Thorsten -- - Same, same, but different...