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[REBOL] [FIXED?] read-io & write-io or Wait or is TCL better?

From: Rebolinth::nodep::dds::nl at: 24-Dec-2003 22:30

Hi All, Oke i inserted the "clear buffer" in the while loop, so now after every write-io the buffer is cleared. Guess wot??? It works.. :-) Amazingly strange because the FTP traffic came over without errors, also did telnet, but with the clear buffer the ssh now works fine too. (this proofs again that SSH does a good job on packet checks too ;-) Strange though..I would have had expected the read-io to keep track of a start-pointer when appending to the buffer, because it tracks the Length of the data it reads (so end-pointer is checked, but not the start pointer).. Mmmmm is that logical or not when doing lowlevel io? The trick worked! Thank you all for the participation ;-) When the code is finished ill port and post it for global use... (R)egards, Norman. -> As I said to Petr, READ-IO does *NOT* overwrite your buffer. If -> you have data in it, it will append to it. So you either have to -> skip the initial data when writing (but then you could end up -> filling your buffer!) or clear it each time. (Notice that CLEAR is -> O(1) so this does not add any performance problems.) -> -> Regards, -> Gabriele.