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[REBOL] Re: Serial Communication - Desperately Seeking...

From: ronald:free at: 25-Feb-2002 22:37

Hi, don't know if it will help you, but i found these refinements searching for your pb in Core's dictionary : 8<--------------- open open Summary: Opens a new port connection. Synopsis: open spec Arguments: spec The spec argument. (must be: file url port object block) Refinements: /binary Preserves contents exactly. /string Translates all line terminators. /direct Opens the port without buffering. /new Creates a file. (Need not already exist.) /read Read only. Disables write operations. /write Write only. Disables read operations. /no-wait Returns immediately without waiting if no data. /lines Handles data as lines. /with Specifies alternate line termination. end-of-line The end-of-line argument. (must be: char string) /allow Specifies the protection attributes when created. access The access argument. (must be: block) /mode Block of above refinements. args The args argument. (must be: block) /custom Allows special refinements. params The params argument. (must be: block) /skip Skips a number of bytes. length The length argument. (must be: number) Description: Opens a port for I/O operations. The value returned from OPEN can be used to examine or modify the data associated with the port. The argument must be a fully-specified port specification, an abbreviated port specification such as a file path or URL, or a block which is executed to modify a copy of the default port specification. autos: open/new %autos.txt insert autos "Ford" insert tail autos " Chevy" close autos print read %autos.txt Related: close load do send 8<--------------- Cheers, Ronald