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[REBOL] Re: What else don't I know

From: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 10-Jan-2004 10:20

Am Freitag 09 Januar 2004 23:51 schrieb Steven White:
> I was looking around various REBOL sites and came across a script that > uses a function called "emailer" which seems to be a REBOL function that > pops up a window for sending an email message. "help emailer" at the > console confirms the function's existence. > > I looked at the function dictionary on the REBOL web site and did NOT > see a reference to "emailer." >
In /view are some goodies which are needed for desktop. like editor, emailer and a loader for %index.r -files. The original source (+ comments) is somewhere at RT's site. I packed it for easier installations, so its more ready to run, on For discussions, some day added docs etc also [ source ctx-viewtop ] works, but without comments. (don't do this after desktop is used.)
> This makes me wonder what other functions there might be that are not > documented. Does everyone else just stumble across these things or is > there some documentation I am missing? One would think that the REBOL > Function Dictionary would contain all the functions. >
The dictionary should contain the "official" rebol, while the real may contain some extra-cookies only in this release. An important role playes reading the source. But this is split in various contexts. There is some arcane knowledge how to get them, some tools too. most have guis (anamonitor), and here is a very short for console. put the path you are interested in in 'pbp, then all commands look first in that context, so you can use "? vid-feel" "source warning" etc. Also objects direct works, maybe [ pbp: get in get-style 'button 'feel ] is interesting. Stop it with escape-key. pbp: 'system/view/vid ; print browse-path bp: has[object][ forever[ object: do reduce[pbp] ;want [get path].. probe first object do bind load ask rejoin["" pbp ">>"] object ]] bp
> I know I can list all the system words and just look them over one at a > time to see what they do. Is that what it takes? Am I just getting too > lazy? Is the missing "emailer" function just a single omission that > slipped through the cracks? >
I guess someone read the desktop-source (by [source ctx-desktop] at that time) and discovered it. or one of RT's scripts used it and someone read that script. Thats how i learned, looking at scripts, thinking "humho, whats this?" and trying out.
> Thank you. > > Steven White