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[REBOL] Re: My first script and an introduction

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 5-Jul-2004 11:31

GML> My name is Glenn M. Lewis, and I'm a language junkie. :-) Hi Glenn! Welcome to the list! GML> Actually, I'm looking for a language that would assist in making it easier GML> to write an application where the GUI stays responsive even when the GML> underlying 'engines' might be working away at some large CPU-intensive task. GML> Specifically, I write EDA CAD tools for a living at a major chip manufacturing GML> company. This is often an architectural thing. If you put a bunch of code in the action/event-handler for a face/control, it may halt UI event processing while it works. This affects many GUI tools. If you need things to stay responsive, the best way I've found is to break up the large tasks into little chunks and have an internal FSM/event-queue system that is used to dispatch UI events and process chunks when there's nothing else going on. Depending on what you're doing, you may be able to spawn the big tasks as separate processes or use threads (more complexity that way though). REBOL doesn't currently support threads, but you could put that logic in a DLL that allows you to use them. GML> Another one of my dilemmas, along with the responsive GUI, is that GML> the language I choose must be able to create full-featured GUIs with all GML> modern GUI features like dockable windows, high-level widgets, and OpenGL GML> support. I'm having trouble finding something that meets all these needs. That can be tough. The more features you need, the larger and more complex the tools become. Cal Dixon and Cyphre have built demos integrating OpenGL with REBOL; Cyphre, Max, Anton, Brett, Etienne, and others have built some higher level widgets than what VID provides (tree lists, table/grid, menu, tab-panels, etc.). I did a little experiment with layouts that stay docked together, so that's doable as well. REBOL doesn't have a large set of support tools for building bigger applications at this point--not really it's main goal--but it can certainly be done. The foundation it provides is very flexible, so it's just a question of whether the tools it does provide are enough for you to build on, or if you want a tool that already has everything you need in it. Of the tools you listed, I don't know that any of them will. Best of luck, and happy REBOLing! -- Gregg