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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Server Pages: erebol 2

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 5-Feb-2002 11:36

I would abstract it a little bit though :-) 1) I use following tagging when I cooperate with my friend who does design: <!--[table_x_start]--> stuff ... <!--[table_x_end]--> hmm, different technique. My friend wants the design to be visible, whne doing design using visual tool (e.g. FrontPage). So he basically lays out whole site, and then marks section I will replace by rebol generated code ... Maybe I could switch to your tags <% ... 2) Nice capturing, although a little bit complicated :-) What is real-life example of erebol usage? cgi script resulting into erebol/as-string %some-site.html ? 3) As for "who needs php" message. Well, we should now focus on .NET. Their framework allows to plug-in other languages than C#, e.g. Perl, Python are planned, in compiled versions. I wonder if Rebol could be plugged-in too ... btw: waiting for your new Rugby release to give it a test. I can imagine one FastCGIExternal server - fast-cgi listening loop + Rugby client, doing just redirections(simple deffered rexecs)/simple-kind-of-load-balancing to another 3 or 5 instances of Rugby servers, doing the job. More complex query in my environment lasts 0.5 sec, so it will be interesting, how it scales down :-) Cheers, -pekr-