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[REBOL] Handheld device users needed for beta-test !

From: chrismorency::videotron::ca at: 2-Oct-2001 1:21

Hi, I would require the participation of 5 to 10 handheld device users (if they are that much here) to beta-test two Rebol related projects ! Candidates should have a Palm, PocketPC, WindowsCE (handheld) or Wap-enabled device and will be required to install a well-known third party software on their device. The candidates will be selected according the following criteria : 1. How familiar they are with their handheld. 2. Wireless access is not necessary but interesting ;) 3. Their interest for Rebol (evaluated from their participation on this mailing list, their active collaboration to Rebol's development in general, REBOL Technologies employees are welcome). For criteria 1 and 2, send me a message at myemail/user == chrismorency myemail/host == indicating which handheld device you are using, the current os version and how much time you've owned and worked with the device. One to two rebolers will be required for testing each above mentioned platforms... If sucessful, this project would be available to all handheld device users on this mailing list ! note : Those projects are not related to any port of rebol under those devices. Thanks and best regards, Chris