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[REBOL] Interleaving of strings question Re:(2)

From: grantwparks:y:ahoo at: 26-Sep-2000 13:33

I think it is an interesting programming topic (and I did not mean my earlier comments to be absolute - it was directed at the seemingly unresolvable debates about whether or not do such and such). Most sorting is done, it seems, on some sort of scalar level, and I was interested in the idea of using each sort item as a description of something else, in this case a point on a plane. (I'm not sure why your #4 comment means my function is wrong. Unless you mean that the resulting sorted list is in order according to "its distance from a point 0,0 that defines the most 'lower-left' point of an arbitrary plane". I.E. it only works in quadrant II of that old x-y graph. Please explain, if not. Maybe what's more useful would be the function sorting in terms of distance from any point, where I think the deltas come back in.) To me it could relate to some sort of abstraction on sort (using objects, blocks whatever) that might be useful. I guess I knew I was opening myself up to a "look who's talking" attitude, but I was thinking about a real-world problem in terms of some abstraction and trying to really understand what the original poster's interleave method was getting at. Often that leads to a cool generalization that can be used elsewhere. That's why I considered it to be a programming topic. You could argue it belonged in a different list, but this is where the original post was, and I'm trying to learn REBOL, so it's where I posted. Is that the same as a thread discussing why MS is successful, or why they suck? Again, on some level you could argue it is. Up to you, I guess. --- [lmecir--geocities--com] wrote: