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[REBOL] Re: creating a shortcut

From: bry:itnisk at: 31-Oct-2003 13:34

AT> up with a better (more generic) approach to handle this?
>Maybe using GET-ENV? Does Windows have variables pointing to the >path of the various directories? Or maybe somewhere in the >registry...
I guess GET-ENV is an sdk function. On my Windows 2000 there are six system variables that could be used to tell I was on an Winnt machine: 1. OS 2. Os2LibPath 3. ComSpec 4. Temp 5. Tmp 6. WinDir of course it is always possible that someone has erased one of these environment variables, but I doubt that people who do this have what might be considered as smoothly functioning windows machines anyway. Anyway if the sdk has GET-ENV then I suppose it must have a function to expand %SystemRoot%, perhaps by looking at the source you can find that?