[REBOL] How_to_change_content_of_text-list
From: philb::upnaway::com at: 2-Feb-2003 21:19
Hi Yogi,
You have to operate on the Block of words that you supply to the text-list.
A Fix for oyour program is :
Title: "listentest3"
lv-data: ["Apfel" "Birne" "Pflaume"]
view layout[
textliste: text-list data lv-data
button "Liste 1" [
clear lv-data
foreach lv-item ["eins" "zwei" "drei"] [append lv-data lv-item]
show textliste
button "Liste 2" [
append lv-data "vier"
show textliste
Cheers Phil
=== Original Message ===
I have written this test-code:
Title: "listentest3"
view layout[
textliste: text-list data ["Apfel" "Birne" "Pflaume"]
button "Liste 1" [
textliste/data: ["eins" "zwei" "drei"]
show textliste
button "Liste 2" [
append textliste/data "vier"
show textliste
If I press directly after starting the programm on button Liste 2, the
string "vier" is added to the text-list in the GUI. But if I press on
the button Liste 1 nothing happens. If I press after that on button
Liste 2, also nothing happens. This looks very strange to me. Is it
possible to assign a new block as content to a text-list?
Thanks for help.
cu, yogi