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[REBOL] Re: RWT: CGI logic

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 4-Mar-2003 17:31

Maarten Koopmans wrote: as far as goes for logic, I have two objections and one general comment/suggestion?: Unless you have some all-included-modules initialisation sequence, I: 1) I find it a bit unnecessary to call cookies/init, if it can be done by get-cookie function itself - in such case though, it is imo unnecessary scattering of functionality into more functions than needed 2) cgi/init imo should not return decoded-cgi value - as it does so, I assume you don't do any global inicialisation, as what would you do with decoded cgi strin in such initial phase? :-) Imo the value should be stored into cgi/data word ... you seem to do so, but maybe it would be good to return true or false for your module initialisation? :-) "if cgi/init .... " .... anyway - easy fix .... btw what do you think of putting POST method gathered data into system/options/cgi/query-string so later on ppl could use their possible system/options/cgi inspection functions? 3) possible suggestion - could not be e.g. "system/words/advertise: func ..." replaced by "set advertise: func ..." as it imo has identical effect of setting inside-object functions into global context ... PS: just don't feel offended, those are merely suggestion :-) Cheers, -pekr-