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[REBOL] REBOL Preprocessor Released

From: carl::s::rebol::com at: 7-Sep-2002 12:33

Hi guys, here it is, sorry for the delay... The official REBOL preprocessor. Combines multiple source or data files into a single REBOL output file. Includes the full power of REBOL, allowing you to evaluate any REBOL expression during processing. Allows merging of code, data, images, sound and other types of files. Supports conditional expressions, such as conditional including of files. The output is a reduced REBOL source file with extra spacing, comments, and include file headers removed. Processing is recursive, so included files can themselves contain commands to process. Very powerful. This is the preprocessor that we use at REBOL Tech to build Core, View, Command, Link, Serve. It's very handy for REBOL/Encap users as the input to the encapsulator to build an exe result. We'll be including it as part of the Encap distribution in the future. If you find bugs, let us know. If you want to extend it, let us know that too, but the #DO command can do any REBOL expression, so consider that first before adding other # commands. See the script for more info. -Carl REBOL Technologies