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[REBOL] Re: The truth about scope

From: volker:nitsch:gma:il at: 16-Apr-2005 3:42

Looks good. About bind bl in c 'a Actually the value has a place! Because 'bind has a return value ;) a: 1 c: context [a: 5] bind 'a in c 'a ; Which 'a to bind? probe bind 'a in c 'a probe get bind 'a in c 'a ; bind returns word, we can get its value probe bind 'a 'system ; finds the global 'a probe get bind 'a 'system gives a 5 a 1 Why that happens is in your explanation :) On 4/16/05, Michael Berg <[mokkel--gmx--de]> wrote:
[snipped, hope you have the original ;) ] -- -Volker Any problem in computer science can be solved with another layer of indirection. But that usually will create another problem. David Wheeler