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[REBOL] Re: A couple of things regarding ports

From: g::santilli::tiscalinet::it at: 16-Sep-2000 18:46

Hello [rebol--svendx--dk]! On 15-Set-00, you wrote: r> I'm doing a multi connection server using raw tcp ports. First of all, let me note that:
>> system/version
>> source dispatch
dispatch: func [ {Wait for a block of ports. As events happen, dispatch port handler blocks.} port-block [block!] {Block of port handler pairs (port can be timeout too).} /local ports awake timeblk result ][ ports: copy [] foreach [port job] port-block: reduce port-block [ if any [number? port time? port] [if none? timeblk [timeblk: :job]] append ports port ] forever [ either awake: wait/all ports [ if foreach item awake [ set/any 'result do select port-block item item if all [value? 'result 'break = :result] [break/return true] ] [break] ] [do :timeblk] ] ] there's a new function available. :-) r> The trouble is, that once in a while, handle-ready is called r> on a listen port that really hasn't got any incomming r> connections ??? [first port] hangs, and there's no timeout... It's probably a bug. r> On a related topic: I'd really like to get rid of the r> association list (port-list). probing the ports showed a word r> called 'locals (value: none), anyone know of any problems r> using it to point to the handler? I think you can use it freely in raw TCP ports. It is used by protocol handlers to store the data they need. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[giesse--writeme--com]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --