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[REBOL] Calendar.r buggy under view ??

From: ronaldoff:free at: 3-Nov-2004 20:24

Did I miss something ? or my last message didn't appear on list ??? Did someone have the same problem ? Please, give me a direction to follow... Thanks Here my first message : Hi Rebolers, Trying to use calendar.r, when I'm typing to schedule something I get this errot message on first letter typed : Script Error: Cannot use multiply on none! value ** Where: edit-text ** Near: 2 * face/edge/size 2 * face/edge/size string isn't in the script itself ! Tried to find the problem, but I'm still not familiar enough with Rebol .... (using rebview Could you give me some help ? Thanks in advance. PS: I'd like to use your calendar/sheduler in my school for different uses : for collaborative work (professors), usage of different specialized classrooms, planning of term events ...) Ronald GRUSS