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[REBOL] Context - code included- 2nd version

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 8-Sep-2001 18:51

In the previous there was an error in v-c. Resend my corrected post. ------- Thank you for your previous message, i'll answer asap. Here it is my idea of special-global-local words. written as code. In the yesterday message i misinterpreted some of your code (and of your mind, of course). Now i think to understand well your idea of Special Word. So in my code there are now only Special Word e Very Special Word. I have written a modified version of Visualize-Context. Happy to know your idea and my bug... --- Ciao Romano ----- rebol[ Title: "Analyze a word" Date: 30/7/2001 File: %myword.r Email: [rotenca--libero--it] Author: "Romano Paolo Tenca" Version: 1.0.0 Category: [text util 3] Purpose: { find the type of a Rebol word Visualize-Context redefined many functions are a modified version of the originals of Ladislav Mecir to reflect the very special words } ] binded?: func [ {determines, if a Word is defined in any context} word [any-word!] ] [ not error? try [error? get/any :word] ] loaded?: func [ {determines, if a Word is defined in system-words} word [any-word!] ] [ found? find first system/words word ] vspecial?: func [ {determines, if a Word is a Very Special Word} word [any-word!] ] [ found? all [ not binded? word not loaded? word ] ] special?: func [ {determines, if a Word is a Special Word} word [any-word!] ] [ found? all [ not binded? word loaded? word ] ] global?: func [ {find out, if the given Word is a Global Word} word [any-word!] ] [ found? all [ loaded? word same? word bind word 'system ] ] local?: func [ {find out, if the given Word is a Local Word} word [any-word!] ] [ found? all [ binded? word not global? word ] ] local-unloaded?: func [ {find out, if the given Word is a Local Word not loaded in system/words} word [any-word!] ] [ found? all [ binded? word not loaded? word ] ] in-object?: func [ {find out, if the given Word is defined in a object-context} word [any-word!] /local self ] [ found? all [ binded? word not same? 'self bind 'self word equal? object! type? get/any bind 'self word ] ] in-use?: func [ {find out, if the given Word is Local to a func or use block} word [any-word!] ] [ found? all [ local? word not in-object? word ] ] v-c: visualize-context: function [ { Returns a copy of context words binded to the context ATTENTION: for a word local to use or func, return only the loaded? word for an un-binded word returns [] } word [word!] {one Word of the given Context} ] [result b-word] [ result: copy [] any [ if not binded? word [result] if global? word [bind/copy first system/words 'system] if in-object? word [bind/copy first get bind 'self word word] do [ foreach s-word first system/words [ if not same? s-word b-word: bind s-word word [ append result b-word ] ] result ] ] ] what?: func [word [word!]] [ if loaded? word [print "loaded?"] if binded? word [print "binded?"] if vspecial? word [print "vspecial?"] if special? word [print "special?"] if global? word [print "global?"] if local? word [print "local?"] if in-object? word [print "in-object?"] if in-use? word [print "in-use?"] if local-unloaded? word [print "local-unloaded?"] print "" ] ;examples what? 'do what? first first system/words use [a] [what? a] halt