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[REBOL] Re: Re(2): Matching RE's - pattern matching

From: d4marcus::dtek::chalmers::se at: 24-Mar-2001 19:07

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Anton wrote:
> I want to check out your recurse as well. > It's neater than my tree. I implemented > a stack for mine. :)
I have made a tree function as well, which of course uses a stack too. Btw, this tree function is actually made of two functions, one called tree-builder and one called tree-parser. The tree function the looks like this: set 'Tree func ["Print directory tree" dir [file! unset!] "Directory to list" ] [ any [value? 'dir dir: %.] tree-init tree-parser tree-builder dir ()] tree-init initialises the rules to use when parsing the tree. This way you can easily make several function with various effects, like cloning a directory structure, running all scripts matching .r etc... Eventually tree-builder will be able to take patterns too, like recurse does, but without paths like */* becuase paths make no sense for tree.
> I think it could be time to write our own > matching parse rules. I was thinking this > already but never got around to it.
It would be good enough just being able to translate "?*" to some 'parse rule. Marcus ------------------------------------ If you find that life spits on you calm down and pretend it's raining