[REBOL] Re: Script output
From: jonkelly::fastmail::fm at: 29-Jul-2007 17:03
Hi Brian,
Brian Tiffin wrote:
> Hi Jonathan
> You need to tell windows cmd that you are redirecting.
>> rebol -w script.r | more
> For a couple of hints and discussions.
> http://www.rebol.com/article/0004.html
> http://www.codeconscious.com/rebol/tips-and-techniques.html#Miscellaneous
> http://www.rebol.net/cgi-bin/upnews.r?view=0012
> Hope those help, or at least a start
thanks for those links. That reminded me of something I thought I was
imagining. I did set myself up at work with rebol some time ago, but at
work I use cygwin and run xorg/xterm with the xwin windows manager, and
I did get rebol script output into the xterm session. I just set myself
up the same way on my laptop (where I'm working on learning Rebol at
home) and it works a treat!! So the xterm/bash combination must do some
redirection that it makes it work. And I get input and output coming
from/to the xterm terminal so I can do interactive input, and now rebol
scripts look just like another unix(cygwin) command (having made the
first line of the script files "#!rebol.exe -w"). Sweet.