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[REBOL] Restrictions on Networking in Rebol/View 1.1

From: scott:dunlop:home at: 15-Apr-2001 9:40

Regarding the WWR, a glimpse of which is provided by Desktop, will there be some way for users to enforce restrictions on what network connections can be made via downloaded Rebol applets? The current policy restricting files is nice, and comforting, but it would make many security conscious users nervous to consider that an applet they download would be capable of making attacks on interior private hosts, opening listening connections, et al. Would it be possible to provide users with the option of something along the lines of the Java applet's sandbox, where a listening socket cannot be opened by an applet, and a connecting socket can only be opened to the publisher of the applet? Great work on the Desktop, by the way.. It goes a long way for proving the concept of why Rebol/View is such a radical step forwards. --Scott.