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[REBOL] Re: Periods as parts of rebol words?

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 10-May-2002 18:21

Hi Tim, << A period(.) is so much easier to use. I have used periods in rebol words and I haven't encountered any problems thus far. >> Per the docs: The end of a word is indicated by a space, a line break, or one of the following characters: [](){}":;/ The following characters are not allowed in words: @#$%^, Technically, you can do it. I personally don't think it's a good idea, for the following reason: REBOL is designed to be a good language for humans. Dot notation isn't found in many natural languages I know of (not counting phonetic breakdowns which don't use the period :) while hyphenated words are a normal form, at least in English. Just my 2c. --Gregg