[REBOL] Re: Help with search/replace code
From: chaz:innocent at: 27-Nov-2000 22:25
How about something like this?
rebol []
p1: "----- [quote]first[quote]second[/quote]third[/quote] ---- ++and
again++ ---- [quote]first/2[quote]second/2[/quote]third/2[/quote] ---------"
p2: "Normal size text [size=4] large text[/size] back to normal text"
post: join p1 [p2]
parse post [ any [to "[quote]" quotestart: thru "[quote]" copy first to "["
nextbrace: (change/part quotestart compose [ "<blockquote><hr><font
size=^"1^" face=^"verdana, helvetica^">" (first) "</font>"] nextbrace)]]
parse post [ any [to "[/quote]" endquotestart: thru "[/quote]" endquoteend:
(change/part endquotestart "</blockquote>" endquoteend)]]
parse post [ any [to "[size=" sizestart: thru "[size=" copy sizevalue to
thru "]" sizeend: (change/part sizestart compose [ "<font size = "
(sizevalue) ">" ] sizeend)]]
parse post [ any [to "[/size]" endsizestart: thru "[/size]" endsizeend:
(change/part endsizestart "</font>" endsizeend)]]
print post
At 09:11 AM 11/27/00 -0000, you wrote: