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[REBOL] Re: FTP gadget

From: reichart::prolific::com at: 19-Apr-2002 20:24

Dr. Turk, thank you for passing the pointer. So all know, we are still hard at work. Building a consumer product on top of Rebol is very interesting. It is working, but there are several small problems that we are working on with the RebolTech team to resolve that should permit the product to become much more responsive. When FTPGadget does some network functions, it locks up until done. On the other hand, it is VERY cool to "write once, run on many." Everyone's feedback here has been REALLY helpful. Now that we got the basics, we are moving onto the next phase. This is basically the phase where we make the product look and feel cool, and make it much more like a file manager, and less like a custom app for moving files on FTP sites. I just gave word to the art department to start building a UI that is more like something you would find on OS X. Whether you like Macs or not, they are sexy. And I like the super clean photo real look. On the features side, we did a fun thing on's site. Everything we are planning to fix or add, and everything we have already added is in a dynamic list. Take a look If there are things you want fixed first, or added, shoot us mail, your feedback goes right into my list. As stated before, as we make this a great product, and regardless of what we do to it, it will always be FREE to the team that is here on Rebol List. Be useful. Reichart... [Reichart--Prolific--com] "The crazy place I work." "A cool thing we make." "Something brewing in the kitchen."