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[REBOL] Re: [testing headers 2/4]

From: rebol665:ifrance at: 28-Nov-2002 14:58

Hi list, this is Ladislav. I am just trying to use a different name than usual to find out, what is going on for Pat: code: [ header: make system/standard/email [ to: "Ladislav Mecir <[ladislav--mecir--vslib--cz]>" from: "pat665 <[rebol665--ifrance--com]>" reply-to: "pat665 <[rebol665--ifrance--com]>" subject: "Re: [REBOL] [testing headers 2/4]" ] contents: copy { Hi list, this is Ladislav. I am just trying to use a different name than usual to find out, what is going on for Pat: } append contents "code: " append contents mold code send/header [rebol-list--rebol--com] contents header ]