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[ALLY] REBOL Modules Doc Re:

From: allenk:powerup:au at: 1-Aug-2000 8:00

Q. Could security be handled in a module by module basis too? Something like ... A default user level secure applied to all modules unless there is a specific secure entry in the module header. Then by using a secure entry in the module header, we can be more specific. So we could give full access to file mod we trust without giving the same level of access to an untrusted mod. ;default user level secure [net allow file [allow read ask write ask execute] files: make module! [ title: "File Access module" secure: [net allow file [allow read allow write allow execute] ][...] testing: make module! [ title: "Untrusted Mod" secure: [net ask file [ask read ask write ask execute] ][...] Cheers, Allen K
>Jim just reminded me that I promised to say a few words about REBOL Modules
here on the ally list. I'll >do better than that: Here's a short document that describes REBOL modules. Take a look.