[REBOL] View : Do a face generated
From: rebol::nomisma::org at: 20-Jan-2005 16:05
Hi rebolist,
I try to view some faces generated in a loop. I suppose I have to
make a block and do it in the layout, but to no avail. Whats
wrong ? Molding the block or not does not change anything anyway.
Is it possible to do this ?
hashnames: [field_one field_two]
if ( not-equal? hashnames false) [
win-fields: []
foreach thisname hashnames [
append win-fields 'lab
append win-fields to-string thisname
append win-fields to-word join thisname ":"
append win-fields 'fld
append win-fields 'wheat
append win-fields 'bold
append win-fields 'return
append win-fields newline
; print mold win-fields
deck-styles: stylize [
lab: label 100x20 right bold middle font-size 11
fld: field 500x20 font-size 11 middle edge [size: 1x1]
test1: layout/offset [
origin 5x5
styles deck-styles
do [mold win-fields]
button "quit" [unview test1]
] 30x30
view test1
; end example