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[REBOL] A question of function interface design

From: pwawood:mango:my at: 19-Jan-2005 19:17

I have started to question whether it is best to use Rebol's automatic type checking of parameters or not when designing functions. If the type checking is used, calling a function with an incorrect type of value causes a script error, eg:
>> a: func [b [date!]] [print b] >> a 12345
** Script Error: a expected b argument of type: date ** Near: a 12345 However, if you don't use the built-in type checking, you can return a none! value and give the caller the option (and responsibility) to deal with the situation, eg:
>> a: func [b] [if type? b <> date! [return none]] >> a 12345
== none Given that Rebol is not strongly typed, is the second of these "idioms" the more appropriate? Regards Peter