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[REBOL] Re: R3 unicode output?

From: aloysius:prayitno:gm:ail at: 15-Apr-2009 16:36

Hi Max, thanks for your suggestion. Unluckily that does not help, I still get those "NUL"s between each characters in the output window. Even stranger, this script REBOL [] probe "ßüäö" will output NULßNULüNUL if I set the output to use 'default enconding' (Single byte character set), but will output NULDFNULFCNUL if set to UTF-8 encoding (65001) I think it's more to SciTe's problem handling the unicode output of rebol 3, but maybe someone knows better ? Awi On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch <>wrote: