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[REBOL] pop question Re:(3)

From: sterling:rebol at: 28-Sep-2000 15:49

No problem. If I understand you last question correctly, it means something like this: How doe the server insure that the client only deals with the currently delivered emails while it has the box open? If that's the question, the answer is that I don't know all the specifics. However, from messing around with the POP protocol and watching my mailbox at the same time, I've noticed that the server does not deliver new messages to you mailbox (a simple file) until the mailbox is closed. It keeps the incoming mail in it's spool, a temp file, or some such place until it is safe to deliver. It also, as I recall, removes the mailbox file while you have it open. so when you open the mailbox and then go look for the file on the server, it actually appears empty on the server though you are reading a bunch of messages on the client side. I figure this is to protect the system from mailbox edits while the box is open... could royally mess things up. If I'm incorrect anywhere here or somebody knows all the nifty details, feel free to correct and/or add. Sterling